Ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they work together

By Steve McRee We have been so blessed for the past 2 years to have Vernon Hills serve as our Director of Development! His years of experience with a rescue mission in the Bay Area helped prepare him for his vital role here at Shepherd’s Gate. Vernon is driven by a huge heart to help…

After years of homelessness, a mother and her children find new life at Shepherd’s Gate

After years of homelessness, a mother and her children find new life at Shepherd’s Gate

By Vernon Hills Dominique* shivered on the sidewalk as she waited for the bus with her 4 children. She held two of her children close, trying to keep them warm — while her other two huddled for warmth in a stroller. It was late. The kids were all tired, but no one slept. “They were…

God, our Hope

God, our Hope

By Steve McRee “You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth . . .” —Psalm 65:5 (NLT) This summer I’m grateful for so many things — but most of all, I’m thankful for God’s faithfulness to Carla and I this past year. We are…

Backpack Supply Drive

Backpack Supply Drive

By Catie Aznoe It may seem a little early to be thinking about sending children back to school. But the weeks fly by and we have a lot of children to help! Our backpack and school supply drive isn’t just for the dozens of children at Shepherd’s Gate. It’s grown to include the needy children…

Update on Steve McRee

By Vernon Hills Steve and Carla have felt so blessed by all the prayers and support they have received for Steve and his recovery from his accident.  It has been a life-changing, emotional journey and Steve says that he could not have done this without the encouragement he has received. Recovering from a spinal cord…

A Spirit of Power & Love

By Steve McRee One of the things that always amazes and encourages me is how quickly Shepherd’s Gate women begin to think of ways they can help rescue others once they’ve been rescued themselves. Once they see that freedom is truly possible, they want freedom for everyone who is still “out there” struggling to overcome…

“Everything We Need” — a woman explains her SG experience

“Everything We Need” — a woman explains her SG experience

Tracie still smiles when she thinks back to one of her first memories at Shepherd’s Gate. After a childhood surrounded by addiction and abuse, she had been addicted to heroin. She’d been homeless. And she’d been praying to God for His help . . . for a structured and serene place to get back on…