
Coming Soon
Shepherd's Gate Tea Event

Saturday, April 26th, 2025
1PM - 3 PM
Community Presbyterian Church

Danville CA

Thanks Again for Attending the
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It was an amazing night for Shepherd's Gate at the 40th Anniversary Grateful Gala. We are truly grateful to Garre’ Vineyard & Winery, our raffle donors, our table and corporate sponsors and all the volunteers that helped us make this a very memorable event. Our small staff couldn’t have put this big event together without all the volunteers that had been working for months. A special thanks to In Full Swing Jazz Quintet, Alden Lane Nursery, Poptastic Balloons & the National Charity League, San Ramon. 40 years of changed lives would not be possible without all of you!

Click below for your to enjoy the the memories of the the amazing time we had!