Three out of every 200 children in America are homeless. Almost half of the homeless population in the US are children. 80% of those children are under the age of five years old! Homelessness is devastating to everyone who faces it, but for children, it’s especially tragic. Homelessness impacts every aspect of a child’s life, including health and education — two things that are key in preparing children for their future. Lack of immunization records, not having a permanent residence and no means of transportation often prevent homeless children from enrolling in schools. Even homeless kids who are able to enroll have trouble making it to class — 33% of those who are enrolled don’t attend school regularly. Without a home, education and proper medical care, children can’t grow up to be the people they were created to be. They quickly become trapped in the cycles of abuse, poverty and homelessness that their parents have experienced, and the cycle continues for generations. That’s why it’s so important to help homeless kids and their mothers as soon as possible, especially when we face the reality that nearly half of the women and children who are homeless are fleeing domestic violence. They are trying to find a better life — one they can’t get on their own. By offering hurting women and children food, shelter and a real home, we’re giving them a chance. A chance to live a full, successful, hope-filled life — something that many of them only dream of. That’s why I’m so passionate about the work we do here at Shepherd’s Gate and why I’m so thankful for all the caring partners the Lord has called to come alongside us.